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Patrick Kinmonth curates Vogue 100: A Century of Style

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On the 11th February the doors open at the National Portrait Gallery, London to Vogue 100: A Century of Style curated by Patrick Kinmonth. The exhibition will showcase the remarkable range of photography that has been commissioned by British Vogue since it was founded in 1916, with over 280 prints from the Condé Nast archive and international collections being shown together for the first time to tell the story of one of the most influential fashion magazines in the world.

As Sarah Crompton writes in the Guardian, 'One of my favourite photographs in the show is by Frank Horvat, taken in 1960, and designed to promote Bradford as a centre of the British woollen industry. It shows a smiling model surrounded by neatly dressed children on a cobbled street, and it’s full of life. It also reveals the tightrope that British Vogue has walked for 100 years – that precarious balance between the real and the unreachable, the dream and the grim reality.'

A challenge, Patrick will make appear effortless and one we are really looking forward to seeing!

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