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© Philip Vile

Maestro Arts at the Aldeburgh Festival

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This weekend sees the opening of the Aldeburgh Festival and it's a busy time for Maestro Arts' artists.  

Friday sees the opening of the festival and the opening of Alexander Polzin's exhibition Documents of an artistic friendship, a dialogue with the composer György Kurtág; filling Aldeburgh spaces both inside and out with artworks that rose from an intense artistic exchange, not performed with words, but with gestures and works. 

Saturday features two concerts by the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, conducted by Ilan Volkov in the Britten Studio. The Comedy of Change is a seven-movement exploration of changes, contrasts and development, while Benedict Mason’s Nodding Trilliums and Curve-Lined Angles is a joyous, extravagant quadruple percussion concerto. At 2pm there is an informal concert for families, followed at 4pm by the concert.

Also on Saturday Francois-Xavier Roth conducts the 'period band for all seasons' in a concert of extraordinary, evocative scores by Rameau and Ravel; in the first of Les Siècles’ four concert Aldeburgh residency.

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