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© Astrid Ackermann

Ilan Volkov's Tectonics returns to Glasgow

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Ilan Volkov's Tectonics festival will return to live audiences in Glasgow from 30 April to 1 May, following two online versions. As well as co-curating the event, Volkov will conduct BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in five world premieres, with highlights broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

Volkov founded Tectonics in 2012, when he was Principal Conductor of Iceland Symphony Orchestra, and now co-curates it with Alasdair Campbell. The festival has become one of the world’s most diverse events dedicated to the discovery of new music, with editions having taken place from Australia to Scotland.

In their introduction, Volkov and Campbell write: ‘After two online festivals it feels so exciting to finally gather artists, musicians and audiences together in a space (or series of spaces) to once again see what happens. For all the benefits and reach that online brings, there’s nothing to match the connection and electricity that’s generated when performers and audiences meet.’

Volkov is Principal Guest Conductor of BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and will conduct the orchestra in new works by Pascale Criton, Joanna Ward, Amber Preistley, Cassandra Miller and Silvia Tarozzi, and James Weeks, and UK premieres by Liza Lim and Kristine Tjøgersen.

The artist focus this year is on the pioneering electronic and experimental composer Janet Beat, who is now in her 80s, with performances of her works including Puspawarna, Apollo and Marsyas, Circe and Piangam. International performers include Marja Ahti (Sweden/Finland), Kaja Draksler (Slovenia), Susana Santo Silva (Portugal), guitarist Tashi Dorji (Bhutan) and Silvia Tarozzi (Italy) and throughout the weekend there will be an installation by Japan-based sound artist Yosuke Fujita.

The festival will feature in a special edition of BBC Radio 3's New Music Show on Saturday 7 May.

Read Ilan Volkov's article about the principles of programming.

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