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Five star reviews for François-Xavier Roth’s new CD

François-Xavier Roth's latest CD with Les SièclesFrance-Espagne, featuring some of the most beautiful pages of Spanish-inspired French music, is attracting glowing reviews.

"I have raved before about Les Siècles and I see no reason to modulate my adulation after this light-footed divertissement showcasing French composers in Spanish mood."

Under Roth's needle-sharp direction these interpretations dazzle as much with rhythmic verve, insouciant accentuation, energy, humour and elan as with antique timbres.

Chabrier's España, Ravel's Alborada del gracioso and Massenet's ballet suite from Le Cid have such snap and crackle that - irrespective of gammy knees - you want to pick up some castanets and attempt a few Iberian twirls.

“Virtuosity and verve shine from every bar of these dazzling live recordings.”

Richard Morrison, The Times

“every item in this joyous, Spanish-flavoured anthology is wonderfully vivid and crammed with crisp orchestral detail”

Andrew Clements, The Guardian

“I came out of my seat like a rocket ... when this disc popped through the letter box: some things you just have to wait for, eagerly if impatiently... Les Siècles, with its electric conductor François­-Xavier Roth, is one of the most exciting period orchestras on the planet.”

Michael Tumelty, Sunday Herald

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