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© Benjamin Ealovega

Eivind Aadland begins new role with Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra

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Eivind Aadland returns to the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra this month in his first concerts as its Chief Conductor and Artistic Director. Together, they celebrate Brahms with the Brahmsiana Festival, performing all four symphonies, the Second Piano Concerto, ‘Double Concerto’ and German Requiem.

Other concerts in February offer works by Vaughan Williams, Mendelssohn, Mozart and Saint-Saëns.

As Chief Conductor and Artistic Director, Aadland will be responsible for the development, leadership and artistic profile of TSO, and will contribute to its long-term strategic planning. He will spend at least ten weeks in Hobart each year and oversee programming, which includes more than 30 concerts throughout the state each year, advising on guest artists and visiting conductors.

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