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©Eva Vermandel

Britten, Bernstein and America II - Snape Maltings

Vast landscapes link Britten and Copland – cold ocean and sun-bleached prairie. Peter Grimes also unites Britten with Bernstein, who conducted the American premiere, and included the Sea Interludes in his last concert. Tremors and aftershocks of conflict are felt in Britten’s ebullient tour de force for a pianist who lost his right arm in service in World War I and Bernstein’s nocturne in tribute to a fallen Israeli soldier. Saturday 9th June, Pavel Kolesnikov joins the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in a performance to be recorded for future broadcast by BBC Radio 3.

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
John Wilson conductor
Pavel Kolesnikov piano
Claire Chase flute

Britten Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from Peter Grimes 23′; Diversions for Piano Left Hand and Orchestra 30′
Bernstein Halil 16′
Copland Billy the Kid Suite 27′

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