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© Claire Egan

Allan Clayton – from Spain to Snape

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Fresh from the title role in Britten's Peter Grimes at Madrid's Teatro Real, Allan Clayton is taking up artistic residency at Snape Maltings, as part of Summer at Snape. The festival was cancelled last year due to the Covid crisis, but will go ahead in front of a live audience between 11 and 20 June.

On 11 June Clayton gives the world premiere of Mark-Anthony Turnage's Silenced, with pianist James Baillieu, and the duo performs three songs by Priaulx Rainier. On 12 June he is joined by musical friends for a programme including Bridge, Britten, Maxwell Davies and Poulenc and on 13 June they perform Britten's Canticles.

The final concert of his residency will mark the centenary of horn player Dennis Brain with a performance of Britten's Serenade for tenor, horn and strings, with the Aurora Orchestra, on 20 June. There will be two performances of each concert, at 3pm and 7pm.

Clayton won excellent reviews in the title role of Peter Grimes in Madrid, including from Bachtrack, which wrote: 'He perfectly embodies the figure of the persecuted, the anguish of the one who barely survives each day and has been condemned as a matter of principle. There is no trace of menace or rudeness in his vocality – his forceful episodes are self-defence – and he masterfully deploys the greatest delicacy and lyrical fragility in his reflections on pain and the universe towards the end of the first act, the most memorable moment of his outstanding performance.'

He reprises the role at the Royal Opera House in March 2022.

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